Food Service Equipment Auctions On-site, Online for Worldwide Clients

Food Service Equipment The only thing worse than having to sell the food service equipment that was so much a part of your restaurant career, is to let someone you know little about handle the transaction for you.

It’s simply not enough to expect results just because the auction house shows you a list of testimonials. More importantly, it comes down to a feeling of implicit trust in the people behind the company name.

The Lauro family is known throughout the South Florida area for its two-decades of auctioneering experience in helping businesses turn-around their capital goods quickly with fair prices at a reasonable cost to them.

In addition to their regional presence as a premiere auction house, Lauro Auctioneers utilizes the today’s technology to carry out online auctions for their clients, as well as offering absentee bidding, which allows a client unable to attend the auction in person to submit a bid prior to the start of the auction—telephone bidding is a common occurrence, too, at Lauro Auctioneers.

Food Service Equipment Auctions

Above all, Lauro offers a range of services for its clients to make the entire process as stress-free as possible, such as:

Assigned staffing…

We know from experience that sales happen more quickly when we have a full complement of staff on hand…on-site.

It may seem obvious, but a security service is a crucial part of our package throughout the sale to protect our client’s property.


…starting with that all-important escrow account for funding sale proceeds and bookkeeping to track all sales and payments due.

Contact us by phone, or visit our website for more information. Let us partner with you as you make plans to sell, or buy, the equipment and assets you’re looking for.

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