Saving Money The Smart Way, Buying Used Food Service Equipment

Used Food Service EquipmentStarting a restaurant is an exciting yet stressful time.  Probably the biggest concern, (next to wondering if your restaurant will survive) is “How much will this cost me?”  Jim Sullivan, CEO of Sullivision, has a sad but true joke about the restaurant industry:

How do you make a small fortune in the restaurant business? You start with a large one.

But because large fortunes seem to be few and far between, there has to be other options.  One of the biggest expenses when opening up a new restaurant is purchasing the food service equipment.  Fortunately, you don’t have to buy this equipment new.  Auctions services like Lauro Auctioneers have that used food service equipment for a significantly lower cost than buying new.  Of course, you may have questions on the quality and reliability of used equipment.  Here are a few things to consider and check for when you do buy your used equipment to make sure you really will be saving money in the long run.

  • How long has the equipment been working?  Equipment such as ice machines, dishwashers, and coffee makers are worked harder and therefore have a shorter lifespan.  However, buying used can still be a good choice if you look for gently used or inventory surplus items.
  • How energy-effecient is the equipment?  In the long run, energy-effecient equipment saves you money and can possibly even pay for itself with its energy savings within a few months to a few years.  Thankfully, auctions have a little of everything so energy-effecient models should be easy to find used.
  • Is the equipment appealing to the eye?  In many restaurants, this may not matter.  But, if you plan to have an open or exhibition kitchen, you equipment is just like any other decor.  Again, that’s where surplus and gently-used auction items come in handy.
  • Is the equipment generic and easy to fix?  It may be a smart idea to do your homework on the “guts” of different pieces of equipment.  Choosing a piece that requires easy to find parts will save you headache and money in the long run.

If you are needing to save as much money as possible when opening your restaurant, auctioned equipment is a good idea.  Going in well prepared and knowing what you’re looking for will make your experience as beneficial as possible.  If you are looking for equipment in the Southern Florida area or have any questions about Lauro Auctioneers, please contact us.

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